Everyone’s technique, ability and machine use varies. With this in mind, you should tweak slightly to obtain the benefits of the full paint correction system by IGL Coatings. Below is a tip provided by Paul Naisbitt from Deluxe Detailing, based in UK.

Changing pads is paramount when using all three. If not adhered to, it may inflict very light defects due to saturation of the product. However, unlike various other systems available, pad clean up is extremely easy even if left for some time.
Low Speed = Long Working Time
A few of the many benefits that ecoshine f1, f2 and f3 provide is the long working time and how well the abrasives break down leaving practically no residue on the surface to remove. It helps in reducing the risk of marring when little to no dust is produced.

Depending on the type of paint being worked on, low machine speed is critical to achieve the long working time offered by these abrasives. This is because rotary polishing machines naturally generates heat and may affect final results.
Suggested Machine Speeds for Optimum Results
Rotary polisher 0 – 1200 rpm
Dual Action up to speed four
Season the chosen pad. You can place small dots of the product to cover the pad or spread an even layer by hand. Evenly spreading the polish over the surface area is key to achieving the best results from the polishing set.
Working quickly at the beginning of the set to distribute the polish before slowing the movement down concentrating on the correction required to work best.
With a rotary or forced rotation polisher, start with the lowest speed possible (or Dual Action speed 2). Spread the polish over the work area in approximately 18-24” square using a criss cross motion.
Keep the speed low until a uniform pattern appears from the polish, usually around four to six passes, before increasing the speed. Do this while applying slight pressure and slowing the motion of the polisher down.
Continue to work the area, increasing the machine speed slightly during the set but not exceeding the recommended speed above until the product is almost transparent. At this point the polish still isn’t spent. So keep working the area, elevating all pressure except the weight of the machine until there is minimum residue present on the surface area.

Additional polishing sets require very little product, equivalent to two pea size drops. However, always distribute any amount over the pad evenly.
For Serious Jobs, Use ecoshine compound f1
ecoshine compound F1 is labelled as a high cutting product which can also finish ready for LSP, making it an ideal one-step abrasive. Every time F1 is used, it should be followed up with a finishing polish.
Although the low machine speeds and pressure makes it the cleanest heavy cutting product in terms of finish, clarity and residue removal, the gloss achieved by adding that additional step is certainly worth it.
Using a wool pad with F1 offers a serious amount of cut, provided the media is kept clean with no product saturation. It will offer a finish that requires very little refining. Note that pads will need to be swapped every panel on an average size four door vehicle. Larger panels including roofs will require more pad swaps.
Using an open cell foam pad also works exceptionally well on all machines. Be mindful when using a brand new & very hard pad like Rupes Blue. Seasoning (or priming) is very important and depending on the paint system being worked on, may shorten the work time. This results in less correction due to the product drying too quickly

If holograms are visible following product removal, the two most common factors you need to watch out for are 1. the speed of the machine that dries the carrier out before the abrasives have broken down, or 2. product build up on the pad.
One-step Perfection of the ecoshine polish f2
ecoshine polish F2 is a truly a one-step product when used correctly. Again being pad dependent, it offers a high level of cut and finishes extremely well. Certain paint types and combinations dry the polish out too quickly but this can be avoided by using less pressure during initial spreading. Using the slower speed setting for longer on the work area also helps.
On certain occasions, utilising a spritz of ecoshine paint mixed with water at a 1:5 ratio aids the working time. However, note that this will reduce the amount of cut slightly.
Open cell pad combinations work the best. But watch out for the polish becoming chalky as this is a sign of too much product being used. Drying quickly can also clog the pad.
A Microfiber pad excels with ecoshine polish F2, offering a high level of cut finishing ready for LSP. These pads work with a dual action or forced rotation machine.
No Hazing Finish with ecoshine finish f3
eocshine finish F3 has an excellent amount of cut for this type of product, especially when used with a firm polishing pad. It does exactly what it states and nano-abrasives are used to achieve the gloss from this finishing polish.
I’ve found while using some of the softer pads that F3 becomes almost endless to diminish due to the extended work time. But the end result is a deep flawless finish despite extended working time. Using a polishing pad offers even more correction, though if used as a stand alone it still leaves the surface as how you would expect.
Using a rotary on softer paint systems with F3 can, in most cases, help with paint correction without causing any haze. With forced rotation and dual action polishers, pad choice is important to generate enough heat to break the abrasives down.
The most important factor when working with F3 is to work it until its almost clear.
The Correct Way to Paint Correction
As mentioned in the beginning of this sharing, each person has a different approach and method for paint correction. Hopefully the tips in article will help you achieve optimal results the next time you start working on a new project for paint correction.